Add Cc, Bcc and Reply-To

In Mail Rocket, you have the flexibility to include Cc (Carbon copy), Bcc (Blind carbon copy), and specify a Reply-To address when sending out your email campaigns. These features enable you to manage additional recipients and streamline communication. Here's how you can use them effectively:

Prepare Your Contact List

Start by preparing your Google Sheets document containing your recipient list for the email campaign.

Add Cc recipients

  • Within your spreadsheet, insert a new column labeled "cc" to specify Cc recipients.

  • In the "cc" column, input the email addresses of the recipients you wish to include as Cc recipients for each corresponding row.

Adding Bcc Recipients

To include recipients as Bcc (Blind carbon copy), follow similar steps as adding Cc recipients:

  • Within your spreadsheet, insert a new column labeled "bcc" to specify Bcc recipients.

  • In the "bcc" column, input the email addresses of the recipients you wish to include as Bcc recipients for each corresponding row.

Setting a Reply-To Address

  • Within your spreadsheet, insert a new column labeled "replyto" to specify Reply-To Address.

  • In the "replyto" column, input the Reply-To email address.

  • All replies to your campaign will be directed to the specified Reply-To address, allowing you to centralize responses.

Disabling Cc, Bcc and Reply-To

If you have prepared a contact list with Cc, Bcc, or Reply-To columns but prefer not to use these options during your email campaign setup, Mail Rocket allows you to disable them easily.

  • Open Mail Rocket: Mail Merge For Gmail > Create Mail Merge

  • Click on the "Setup Cc, Bcc, Reply-To" button under settings

  • Disable Cc, Bcc, Reply-To options as per your preference.

Last updated