Personalized attachments

With Mail Rocket, you can effortlessly add personalized attachments to your email campaigns, ensuring each recipient receives a unique attachment tailored to their information.

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How to add Personalized Attachments

Create or open your Google Sheets document containing your recipient list.

  • Insert a new "attachment" column to your contact list.

  • Upload your file to your Google Drive.

    • Right-click on your file.

    • Go to "Share", then click on "Share".

    • Under "General access", select "Anyone with link".

    • Copy the link that Google Drive gives you.

  • Enter a Google Drive link in the "attachment" column of the respective recipients as shown in the screenshot below.

Add multiple attachments by inserting new colums "attachment1", "attachment2", "attachment3", "attachment4".

Mail Rocket supports a maximum of 5 attachments including email template attachments.

Mail Rocket supports attachments up to 5MB. For larger files, use a Google Drive link.

Disabling Personalized attachments

If you have prepared a contact list Personalized attachments but prefer not to use these options during your email campaign setup, Mail Rocket allows you to disable them easily.

  • Open Mail Rocket: Mail Merge For Gmail > Create Mail Merge

Last updated