Personalized link

Mail Rocket allows you to include personalized hyperlinks in your email campaigns, directing each recipient to a unique URL. Follow these steps to create and integrate personalized links seamlessly:

Create or open your Google Sheets document containing your recipient list.

  • Insert a new "link" column to your contact list

  • Use the =HYPERLINK Formula

  • For Example, =HYPERLINK("", "Visit Example Website")

Replace "" with your desired URL and "Visit Example Website" with the text you want to display for the hyperlink.

Open Mail Rocket and create a new email template or edit an existing template.

  • Go to extensions -> Mail Rocket: Mail Merge For Gmail -> Create Mail Merge

  • In the email template editor, click on "Insert variable" in the toolbar.

  • Choose the "Personalized links" variable from the dropdown list. This variable will appear only if you have a corresponding "link" column in your spreadsheet.

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