Delay between emails

To enhance deliverability and minimize the risk of being flagged as spam, it's essential to configure a delay between sending emails.

Mail Rocket offers options to customize the delay between emails for each campaign.

Delay between emails is a Mail Rocket Premium feature. Upgrade to Premium

How to set up Delay between emails

  • Go to extensions -> Mail Rocket: Mail Merge For Gmail -> Create Mail Merge

  • Click on the checkbox to enable "Delay between emails", then set the delay in seconds.

Mail Rocket supports up to 60 seconds delay between emails

Benefits of Setting a Delay

  • Optimized Deliverability: Spacing out email delivery helps avoid overwhelming recipient servers and improves overall deliverability rates.

  • Reduced Spam Risk: By sending emails at intervals, you reduce the likelihood of triggering spam filters or being marked as spam by recipient email providers.

Last updated