Filter recipients

Mail Rocket allows you to filter your contact list and send targeted email campaigns to specific segments.

When a filter is applied, emails will only be sent to visible rows of the selected spreadsheet.

How to filter your contact list

  • Open the Google Sheet containing your contact list

  • Click on the row number "1" to select the entire first row of your spreadsheet.

  • In the toolbar, click the filter icon (a funnel-shaped icon). This will activate filters for each column header in your sheet.

  • Apply Filters

    1. Filter by Condition: Click the filter icon on a column header, then choose from various conditions such as text contains, is empty, is not empty, etc.

    2. Filter by Values: Uncheck data points you want to exclude or select specific values to include.

    3. Search: Use the search box to filter data points by typing keywords related to the desired criteria.

Last updated